Saturday, October 20, 2012

Two Days of Silence

Now, let me make this clear. When I use that title, I certainly don’t mean that God was silent for two days. He wasn’t. I continued to meet with Him by reading my Bible and praying, and He’s continued to show Himself to me in whole new, amazing ways. I just haven’t been posting on this blog.

That led to more fear on my part. What if I don’t have time to post every day? Should I give up the project? What if people get mad at me/disappointed in me for not posting every day?...And that was almost enough to get me to abandon this blog and idea…ALMOST!

Really, since I just started this blog, I don’t have all that many readers yet, anyway, so why would they be that upset if I didn’t continue to post every day? And what about future readers who might come upon this blog later? As long as there were more posts besides the first five I posted, would they even care that I didn’t post every day, as I said I was going to do… as I wanted to do?

But it occurred to me, as I thought and agonized more about it all, that I’m not really worried about the people who are (or who will be) reading this blog. I’m worried about the One who, I believe, led me to start this blog in the first place. I’m worried about my commitment to Him. And, really, I don’t think I have much to worry about on that front.

He knows I’m weak. He knows I’m human. He knows all of the reasons why I didn’t post daily, like I said I was going to. And, if I confess my sins and my faults, He is faithful and just and will cleanse me from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). He will give me another chance. He’s given me so many more chances than I’ve ever deserved.

So, even though I’ve been silent, I have nothing to fear. I can go on and continue to share the messages and thoughts that God has brought to my mind from reading His Word. And, if I slip up on occasion, that’s okay because I’m not perfect. I’ll just get back up on the horse and try again. 

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