Monday, October 15, 2012

Day 2 - Exodus 13:22

"Neither the pillar of cloud by day nor the pillar of fire by night 
left its place in front of the people." (NIV)

Technically I didn’t publish this yesterday, so I’ve already failed a bit with my original mission, but I did read this passage yesterday…  And I know the verse doesn’t literally say “do not be afraid,” but in a way, to me, this verse says it just as much as some of the other verses in the Bible.

God had just done an amazing thing for the Israelites, his covenant people. He had rescued them from over 400 years of slavery and bondage to the mighty Egyptians. But He knew that the Israelites would be fearful along their journey into the desert, so He did everything He could to calm their fears.

He took them the long way around instead of by the much shorter road through the Philistine country, which was paved with enemy outposts. He knew that, if the Israelites had to face much opposition at this point, they would turn right around and go back to Egypt, where they’d be slaves again, but at least they would know what to expect. Often what we’re used to—even if it’s something really bad—is less scary to us than the unknown. At least, I’ve found this to often be the case in my own life.

But the Israelites had someone much more powerful than the Egyptians to lead them along their journey. They had the Almighty God, El Shaddai. He went before them in a pillar of cloud during the day, and He led them in a pillar of fire by night so that they would have light with which to see. He never left His people the whole time they were traveling. He was always guiding them.

How encouraging this should be to us, who are traveling on our journey through life, moving forward on the road to the land God has promised us…our eternal home with Him. Don’t let your circumstances or your feelings stop you from seeing God at work around you. He was there for the Israelites. He will be there for you, if you have faith. Trust God, and don’t fear what lies ahead of you. The One who is with you is stronger than anything you might face in this life.

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